The herd is owned and farmed by the Cunnane Farm- Joseph and his eldest daughter Catherina.
The Herd was established in 2010, after Mr. Francis Donohoe of Johnstown Aubracs introduced us to the breed.
Catherina was the winner of the first Aubrac Crossbred Heifer sponsored by the Irish Aubrac Society in 2011.
We joined the Irish Aubrac Society in 2011.
Catherina has since been co-opted to the Irish Aubrac Council in January 2015.
We are currently working on our breeding programme, after the visit in July 2014 from a French AI Specialist from Midatest, France.
This new Maternal beef breeding programme involves the usage of top quality French Genetics. The first of these calves are to arrive in May 2015.
As a result of this programme, we intend on increasing our suckler herd.